(Out &) About Us
Or me anyway.
Perseveration, Inc is a smalltime publisher.
The website is the effort of me and my older son.
Initially I am the primary author.
Hopefully there will be other authors and collaborators.
I am working to articulate things of importance to me. I hope other goodhearted people will find these articulations enjoyable and of benefit.
The subject is life and death and how to be actively and productively engaged in all of its challenging aspects without going (too) crazy. That includes politics, faith, work, community, emotional survival….
I favor glyphs. Bumperstickers. Phrases and (hopefully) pithy paragraphs. Textual images and and aphorisms and epigrams. I can and do babble on, but those will be separate posts.
It would be interesting to see something of mine go viral. I can see that as both a bonus and a curse. I would prefer to attain a deeper vibe, slow steady and sustaining.
I do this because I need to and because I can.
I hope it does benefit others.
The business model is of the “cast your bread upon the waters….” variety.
What we intend to do with the revenue stream (if there is one):
The 1st dime of every dollar to be donated;
The 2nd dime of every dollar to be conated;
The 3rd dime of every dollar goes in our pockets;
The other 7 dimes are to be used to pay expenses and be wisely allocated in a business like manner.
Hopefully there will be a profit.